Two weeks before Christmas on a very cold, windy day, a spark, perhaps from an auto repair shop or even the passing train, started a fire that burned for days. The wind spread the flames to almost all the wood frame structures in town, and there were no fire departments to be called. This was the final nail in the coffin of Tallulah Falls as a tourist destination. The four of the surviving buildings were Pine Terrace (aka Moss House), the Train Depot, Cliff House, and the Glenbrook Hotel. The Cliff House, one of Tallulah Falls’ largest hotels, escaped the great fire of 1921, only to be destroyed by a kitchen fire in 1936. The Glenbrook managed to survive the Great Fire of 1921, but succumbed to the drop off in tourism. By the early 1990s, the Glenbrook had fallen into decay and disrepair. Largely forgotten, the Glenbrook enjoyed a short revival in 1994 when a tornado swept through Tallulah Falls and unexpectedly blew away enough debris to make the remains visible once again. No longer safe to visit, the Glenbrook is now merely a forgotten shadow of its glorious past. With the demise of the Glenbrook, The Depot and Moss House are now the only surviving structures, still in use, from that time when Tallulah Falls was known as “The Niagara of the South.”