Mayor Mike Early
(Terms of office: 2020-2024, 2024-2028)
The Town of Tallulah Falls has what would be considered a Hybrid Mayoral system. It combines some of a Strong Mayor system with a predominantly Weak Mayor system. The Mayor has no vote on legislative matters unless there is a tie, yet the Mayor is empowered by the Charter and from time to time by the Council to exercise authority over all of the executive and administrative work of the Town. The Town Charter, approved by the State Legislature, defines the Powers and Duties of the Mayor as:
The Mayor shall be the chief executive of this town. He shall possess all of the executive and administrative powers granted to the town under the constitution and laws of the State of Georgia, and all the executive and administrative powers in this Charter. It shall be the duty of the Mayor to:
- See that all laws and ordinances of the town are faithfully executed;
- Exercise supervision over all executive and administrative work of the town and provide for the coordination of administrative activities;
- Be the official head and spokesman for the town for service of process and ceremonial purposes;
- Sign as a matter of course all written contracts, ordinances, and other instruments executed by the town which by law are required to be in writing;
- Vote as a member of the town council only at such times as are necessary to break a tie or deadlock of the council;
- Prepare and submit to the town council a recommended annual operating budget and recommended capital budget; and
- Fulfill such other executive and administrative duties as the town council shall by ordinance establish.
From the Mayor’s Desk
(Communications and Thoughts for our Community)
During these uncertain times, one of our greatest challenges is to find a balance between keeping everyone healthy while also continuing to keep your Town open and fully operational. In our endeavors to do so, we are needing to have our regular Town Council Meeting next week for several reasons. The Council will must meet ... Read More