The Town of Tallulah Falls has a notorious history with fires. Having completely burned at least twice since our founding in 1885, the last big fire in 1912 was reported to have started by small embers from the passing train. These embers were carried by the wind from roof to roof, and the whole town was lost, except for a hand full of buildings. We would like to keep our current “Un-burnt” streak alive. However, being born and established in the Mountains of North Georgia, we typically don’t like to be governed too heavily in our day to day lives. In this spirit, The Town of Tallulah Falls ascribes to the following rules and guidelines for outdoor burning:

All persons planning to burn within the Town Limits of Tallulah Falls must obtain a Burn Permit through the Georgia Forestry Commission  with a few exceptions. Please read their page completely and thoroughly, as there are some exceptions to their Online Permitting Process, most notably any pile over six feet high and or mechanically generated and/or piled. These are considered “Land Type Changes” and permits for this activity must be obtained via phone from the Georgia Forestry Commission’s Clarkesville office at 706-754-2354.



The following exceptions are allowed without a permit:

  • Recreational/cooking fires: We want our guests to enjoy family time around a nice campfire. So, fires for recreational purposes or cooking food for immediate human consumption do not require a permit. Examples would be campfires in designated areas and “B-B-Q” grills or pits.
  • Warming fires: Again, we live in a beautiful area and want our residents to enjoy being outside when ever possible. To this end, no permit is needed to have small warming fires that are contained in clean metal containers with a spark arrester.

Without Exception:

Without exception, any and all active fires within the Town Limits of Tallulah Falls will be monitored and attended by a responsible adult 18 years or older at all times. An active fire means that flames are visible or likely to “flare up”. If in doubt and need arises, please fully extinguish the fire before leaving the area. Any fires reported to be unattended will be subject to extinguishment by Fire Department Personnel.